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The Center for Agroforestry

The five days of the Academy included workshops where 24 trainees spent Monday through Friday 8am-12pm on-campus in the classroom for presentations given by specialist professionals in key focus areas of agroforestry. A relaxing campus lunch followed each morning's classroom presentations. From ~1-6pm each day, the group traveled to nearby farms to learn from landowners who are currently practicing agroforestry. The group returned to campus for dinner each day, which enabled further discussion and collaboration. All trainees also participated in a case study agroforestry design plan, presented in small groups to the case study farm landowner at the close of the week. Design groups met in the evenings to apply what they had learned each day to their case study plan.

Compared to previous Agroforestry Academies which focused on "training the trainer" with natural resource education professionals, the 2015 Academy was organized to engage a greater number of farmer-landowners. In particular there was a special focus on providing agroforestry training to US military veteran farmers. In conclusion, the third Agroforestry Academy was another very successful event.

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