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The Center for Agroforestry

Agroforestry 5-Practices DVD Order Form

Agroforestry 5-Practices DVD Cover

The Center for Agroforestry recently completed a DVD integrating the four previously produced videos on the agroforestry practices of alley cropping, windbreaks, riparian forest buffers and silvopasture with the fifth practice, forest farming. The new section shows examples of successful forest farming practices, including shiitake mushroom production, pine straw, woodland wildflowers, medicinal plants, high value wood blanks and tips for marketing forest farming products.

Each DVD features all five agroforestry practices:

To order fill out and return the Publication Order Form and we'll mail it directly to you.

Riparian Forest Buffers

Riparian Forest Buffers are natural or re-established streamside forests made up of tree, shrub and grass plantings. They buffer non-point source pollution of waterways from adjacent land, reduce streambank erosion, protect aquatic environments and enhance wildlife. Learn the basics of establishing a riparian buffer practice and how profitable products, like decorative woody florals, can be implemented into the buffer.

Alley Cropping

In alley cropping, an agricultural crop is grown simultaneously with a long-term tree crop to provide annual income while the tree crop matures. Fine hardwoods like walnut, oak, ash and pecan are favored species in alley cropping systems and can potentially provide high value lumber or veneer logs. Learn how nut crops can be another intermediate product and see examples of successful alley cropping practices.

Agroforestry 5-Practices DVD


Silvopasture is the intentional combination of trees, forage and livestock managed as a single practice. In this segment, see examples of profitable silvopasture practices, including cattle with pecans. Considerations for establishing a successful silvopasture practice are also offered.


Windbreaks are planned and managed as part of a crop and/or livestock operation to enhance production, protect livestock and control soil erosion. The beneficial interactions of windbreaks upon crops and cattle are presented in this segment.

Forest Farming

In a forest farming practice, high-value specialty crops are grown under the protection of a managed forest canopy that has been modified to provide the correct shade level. The practice also includes the production of non-timber forest products for specialty markets. In this segment, examples of successful forest farming operations, including shiitake mushrooms, pine straw, woodland wildflowers, medicinal plants and high value wood blanks are presented, along with tips for marketing forest farming products.

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